There have been some very inportant comics community initiatives from the direction of the Lakes International Comic Art Festival of late, including British Comics Now (of which I will be participating in the decision-making process for the next two opportunities so get applying now!) and the International Comics Rights Market. As we all know, the infrastucture of the UK comics scene is not a robust one which makes moves like these to benefit indie creators all the more important to promote and support. If you want to hear more about LICAF’s work in the community then there’s a Zoom event coming up next month that will put you more in the picture. It also features two Broken Frontier Award-winning creators in Lucy Sullivan and Mollie Ray (also a BF ‘Six to Watch’ creator!). Full details via LICAF below!
LICAF Now & Next
Thursday 13 February 2025 6.30-7.45pm Zoom
As we begin a fresh new year and as the range of LICAF’s work continues to grow we thought it would be the perfect time to tell you more about our current work. future plans, our funding and ongoing opportunities for creators. Plus a Q&A with MC Lucy Sullivan. We’ll also be welcoming creator Mollie Ray, who can tell you more about how she’s benefitted from our work and how she has gone about making the most of what we can offer.
Email if you would like to attend and we’ll send a zoom invite on 12 February 2025. For those who cannot attend we will offer a recording of the event,