The Comics Time Capsule, an eagerly anticipated documentary project from Creating Comics UK and LDComics, has debuted on YouTube. With interview contributions from 31 movers and shakers in the UK indie comics scene it’s an essential watch. Speakers include Broken Frontier team members like Jenny Robins and EdieOP, BF ‘Six to Watch‘ artists including Sabba Khan, Mereida Fajardo and Jem Milton, and our BF Hall of Fame entrant Corinne Pearlman. You can watch it on YouTube here and the video is also embedded below.
More on the Comics Time Capsule:
A 2-part miniseries where 31 British-associated comics creators, editors, publishers, shop owners, academics, journalists, and community organizers discuss British comics and its community from the past and present. In this first installment, our speakers explore their personal history with British comics: Their first or earliest exposure with comics and how comics and comics-related media have affected their careers and relationships.
ABOUT Creating Comics UK is a web series where UK-based comics creatives and professionals discuss their careers and lives. Equal parts enlightening and entertaining, Creating Comics UK aims to document the lived realities of today’s UK comics scene. This project is a development of activity supported by Creative Scotland. View more online here.
LDComics is the largest women-led comics forum, open to all. We plan to unleash the power of comics by providing a platform for creators to share their work and opportunities for professional development. We believe comics can be used as a tool to question and challenge injustices and inequalities in society on a global scale. Their accessibility as a storytelling medium has created fertile ground for a wealth of casual creators and minority voices.