Rejoice! Superman – comic’s most iconic superhero – is celebrating his 75th anniversary this year. Bring out the cakes, the candles, and the spell checker just in case you’re responsible for writing Mr. Mxyzptlk’s invite to the birthday bash.
Not so fast. Rumor has it that Supes is a bit pissed off about the marketing campaign and now finally wants Dan DiDio’s head. In their efforts to go all 21st century modern, it seems that DC has inadvertently revived painful memories of a not so glorious moment in the Man of Steel’s rich history. Instead of going with the classic red and yellow ‘S’ associated with the character across the globe, DC went with a blue and white version reminiscent of… yup, Superman Blue. What a shocker!*
We don’t blame ya, Superman.
*Superman Blue came into existence after Superman lost his normal sun-based powers and drew his energy from electricity instead. The elektro Superman look lasted for almost three years and couldn’t be buried faster afterwards… Elektro Superman, ugh, what a shocker it was indeed!